CWP France (Pg 430 - 434) Name_____________

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  1. Louis XIV never called a meeting of this representative French body to prevent them from being able to control his power
  2. refers to keeping a military balance to prevent any one country from becoming too powerful
  3. ran the government for Louis XIII and tried to reduce the power of huguenots and nobles
  4. new form of danced that developed in France during the rule of Louis XIV
  5. French king that converted from Protestantism to Catholicism to increase his support
  6. refers to the massacre of thousands of Huguenots by Catholics on 8/24/1572
  7. palace of Louis XIV
  8. refers to the royal officials that Louis XIV used to collect taxes and carry out his policies throughout France
  9. law that gave Huguenots religious freedom in France
  10. this treaty ended the War of Spanish Succession and prevented France and Spain from becoming allies


  1. 9 year old son of Henry IV that became king when his father was assassinated
  2. refers to uprisings against the French government when Louis XIV was a young king
  3. ritual used by Louis XIV, in which French nolbes, competed for Louis XIV's attention
  4. the war of ________ was a result of trying to maintain a balance of power by preventing Philip V, the grandson of Louis XIV to become king of Spain
  5. the policies of this economic advisor made France the wealthiest country in Europe
  6. royal family that built the foundation of absolute monarchy in France
  7. who referred to himself as the "sun king?"
  8. after this war, the French kings began to increase their power over French territory
  9. term for French Protestants
  10. which group did not have to pay taxes under Louis XIV?
  11. in 1685, Louis XIV withdrew or ____ the Edict of Nantes because he viewed the Huguenots as a threat to religios unity

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